Wednesday, May 10, 2017

He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters... psalm 23:2

Woke up this morning feeling unusually sad and a little bothered. Nothing in particular happened the day or night before so I wasn't real sure where this was coming from. Nevertheless, I didn't want to dwell in it so I prayed and asked God for His Strength and sent my good friend a message and asked her to pray for me as well.

After I started with the usual day to day routine. I read my Bible, spent some time in prayer, made breakfast, played with the baby, and started homeschool. I sat down and asked God to lead me in His plans for us this day. My daughter mentioned she wanted to go to a petting zoo and I figured that would be easy because there is one not too far away. Then I remembered on the way home from the grocery store yesterday a sign for a Lavender Farm. I'm not big into lavender but for some reason that sign really stood out in my mind so I looked it up and we got everyone ready to go.

This farm was one of the most beautiful and peaceful places we have ever been too. It's called White Oak Lavender Farm W.O.L.F in Manssanutten Virginia. With the smell of lavender everywhere, hammocks for everyone, and perfect 70 weather with a gentle breeze you felt like you were sleep walking through the entire place.

I even got to play and ALMOST beat my husband in a game of life size checkers πŸŽ” Next time...

I think I could have won if this little person didn't keep distracting me πŸ’™

She kept asking to take pictures near the flowers. I couldn't stop noticing how beautiful God made her and He made her in my likeness. I think I got a glimpse of what He feels when He looks at us. Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

This little boy is happy no matter where He is. God teaches me so much about contentment and patience in all circumstances through my son. 
1 Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you πŸ’•
They placed these hammocks right over the lavender bed. With the breeze blowing us in the hammocks and the smell of calming lavender everywhere. Me and my husband couldn't move for a couple of hours it was so relaxing! But she was a little too small to really enjoy them lol. 
So they played around the pond...

And he just wanted to play in the rocks πŸ’™

So glad I waited on God and didn't allow my feelings from the morning to set the course of my emotions for the rest of the day. I had no idea God had so much in store for me today! To think, I would have missed out on all the amazing blessings he had planned. Only God can give the true peace that all of our hearts long and seek for.  Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage! I have overcome the world." πŸ’•

We are not on this walk alone. We have a ABBA who loves us so much and plans all things for our good. Yes, in this world we will have trouble. But the one who have overcome this world is asking to live in our hearts so that He can give us a peace that surpasses all understanding. We need only to follow and surrender our will to His gentle and peaceful leading.

Psalms 23:2 He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters πŸ’•

My prayerπŸ’ ABBA thank you so much for your leading. Your not only leading us in stillness and peace ABBA. But you are leading us on a path that leads straight to your presence for eternity. And I'm so thankful that in this life where trouble surrounds us you still delight to give us glimpses of your love for us. Please ABBA prepare us now to be fit to live in your Holy presence forever. Thank you so much for your love ♥


  1. Wow... This was so beautiful... The pictures are gorgeous and the children are so happy. I love what you said about Kai being content no matter where he is. Children truly do show lessons from the Father. Keep going with this blog. I see many people's hearts being touched, your growth being developed through this new tasks of journaling and sharing and most of all abiding in ABBA's love.

    1. That's so encouraging. I'm thankful to God for what He is doing in me. Thanks Shay <3

  2. I wanna visit! This place looks awesome! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes it was very nice. The whole area in Va where this was located was beautiful. Let me know if you need the information for when you decide to visit.

  3. Nice. That lavender was gorgeous and your kids looked so happy and peaceful. What a beautiful experience. God bless!

    1. Thanks Adrienne. It was a blessing. Hope you guys are doing well <3
